January 2012 Subscriber Letter

January 2012

Dear Reconciler Family,

This month begins our 16th year of Reconciliation Ministry, so I wanted to remind us of some of the great blessings the Lord has given us.  He has led this ministry so powerfully, and His miracles have been so amazingly evident that I wanted to share them.

With a small, part-time staff, here are a few examples:

  • The ORM newsletter, Reconcile, has been able to reach many people worldwide for the last 13 years.  We have gotten excellent feedback over the years and have sent bulk copies for community outreach events.  God has blessed us to be able to maintain the quality of the newsletter over the years.  And I want to thank Neil and Susan Earle, Mike Riley, and Roger Lippross for their incredible work!
  • The website at www.ATimeToReconcile.org.  If you haven’t viewed it lately, please do.  We have some timely and educational material on it.  Here’s a comment from David Kennedy, Professor of Criminal Justice at John Jay College:  “I’ve been looking at Curtis May’s work in anticipation of our upcoming COPS [Community Oriented Policing Services] session and have been hugely impressed.  It’s good to recognize a kindred spirit.  So…could you please introduce us.”  We talked for an hour on the phone, along with ORM Chapter Leaders Ron Washington and Willard High.

David Kennedy, Bernard Melekian and I, along with others, will help conduct a summit on Racial Reconciliation and Police Legitimacy on January 11.  We will meet with the Department of Justice Community Policing Department on January 10th.  Your prayers would be much appreciated!

  • While surfing the site you may want to take note of the many awards and commendations we have received.  Not the least of which is the Key to the City of Memphis and the Human Relations Award.

You all share in these miracles and accomplishments. And I thank God regularly for you all.

Your prayers and financial support are priceless as we move into another year and anticipate what doors God will open to us.

Love and appreciation,

Curtis May