February 2008 Subscriber Letter

Dear Reconcilers,

When I focus on the world and all its atrocities, such as we see in Kenya and other places, I’m moved to seek God’s guidance in reaching a higher level of service to Him.  I have been asking Him for a vision for 2008.

In looking at the Scriptures in context of world conditions, such passages as the following leap off the page: “Let justice roll down like a river, and righteousness like a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24, NIV and KJV).  “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians 2:14).  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God” (Matthew 5:9).

Please join me in prayer as we move through the second month of this new year.  Please ask our God to take us to a new level of effectiveness in showing the world who He is, and in showing the world His mind and heart through our lives and through the Ministry of Reconciliation.  Please pray for effectiveness as we hold events and give presentations in ORM chapters throughout the country and in different parts of the world.  I am so thankful for these foot soldiers and for our ORM staff here in Glendora!  And we’re all very thankful for you our supporters in prayer and financial backing.

Following are a few of the presentations planned for this year:

  • Black History Month presentations in Southern California.
  • A Ministry Development full-day workshop in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, February 23, and a message on Sunday, February 24, on the topic of reconciliation.
  • On September 12-14, we are scheduled to hold our biennial ORM Chapter Leaders’ Conference in Detroit, Michigan.

May our faith grow stronger as we seek the face of God for guidance in all things.

Love in Christ,

Curtis May