October 2011 Subscriber Letter

October 2011

Dear Reconciler Family,

A couple of weeks ago my wife Jannice and I had the opportunity to experience a foretaste of Jesus’ dream.  His dream is that we all become one, unified and fully accepting of each other.  I have often spoken on the topic over the years.

The experience was attending a multi-national and multicultural worship service in San Fernando, California at Communion de Gracia congregation, pastored by Heber Ticas. Seven Latin American countries were represented, along with some Latino Americans – a total of eight countries.  They were Argentina, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, and of course, the United States.

Pastor Ticas translated as I spoke about how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!  We celebrated together through praise and worship accompanied by a keyboard, a guitar, and drums!  Along with adults, teens and preteens sang and praised God!

Services were also bathed in prayer as babies were blessed and had hands laid on them and requests were made for their needs.  The colorful dress, outstanding food and beautiful people made for a very special day!

In the sermon I emphasized the need to embrace diversity rather than allowing it to be a point of divisiveness, as it often is in the world, and even the church.  Emphasizing God’s love for us all, I encouraged them to be sure to teach their children to love themselves and each other in obedience to God.

On the night before His death Jesus asked the Father “That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they may also be in us, so the world may believe that you have sent me” John 17:21.

Thank you all who pray for and support this ministry of reconciliation.  You are helping events like this happen – advancing Jesus’ dream.  He is the one leading the charge!

Love to all,

Curtis May