October 2012 Subscriber Letter

October 2012

Dear Reconciler Family,

On Labor Day weekend Jannice and I, along with other attendees of the Connecting and Bonding Conference for Ministers’ Wives, experienced a great surprise.  We were at the same hotel as the men and women’s U.S. Olympics gymnastic teams.  Sixty members of the teams happened to be there to produce a film.

For four days we got to observe and speak to them.  Their manners and demeanor were very appropriate.  The way they carried themselves was befitting them as ambassadors of our nation.  And that they were.  They made us proud, especially having done so well in the Olympics in England this year.

The apostle Paul tells us that we are ambassadors and that we represent the kingdom of God.  2 Corinthians 5:20 “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.”  And he is when he says we’re the salt of the earth and light of the world.

Pastor Bill Schultz

On the weekend of September 22-23, Jannice and I visited Christ Covenant Church in Fresno, California.  We had a great time with the wonderful brethren there.  Following an uplifting service in which I spoke on the ministry of reconciliation from Revelation 5, we had a delicious meal together and discussed our journey.  How exciting it will be when we’ll get to do this for all eternity.

dinner with Fresno members

By the way, if any of you would like to have a Reconciliation event in your church area, please let me know.  I’m currently making plans for next year.  Our events include choices of:  a sermon on the topic of Reconciliation, a 3 or 4-hour seminar or a full day workshop.  All of which may lead to some animated discussions which we usually have.  All to the glory of God.

Thank you for being a wonderful, loyal and supportive team.

Love to all,

Curtis May