May 2021 Monthly Letter
Dear Reconcilers,
A few weeks ago on the nightly news, they did a segment on children seeing their grandparents after a year of being separated because of the pandemic. They were so happy! There were lots of smiles and hugs, as well as verbal exchanges of how much they had been missed. It was the best thing I’ve seen on the news in a while. Jannice and I are looking forward to hugging our grandkids again, now that we both have been vaccinated.
Another thing we’ve been hearing about in the media is a desire for reconciliation and unity. Our spiritual leaders, political leaders, as well as our president are all calling on the country to come together in unity. I am glad some leaders see the need for the country to come together, because our nation has definitely become more polarized and divided. Racial tension is getting worse. Mass shootings are rampant. It seems like we have allowed the pandemic, election results, and conspiracy theories to cause division. We are at the point where we can’t even get people to agree on the same set of facts. How will we ever achieve unity?
This question has inspired me to read and study about unity and oneness. Here are a few reasons why I think unity is so important.
• Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, great things can happen.
• When there is unity, we can help and support each other.
• Unity is not just important in our communities, but in every aspect of our lives.
• When we are united as a country, we are never alone in time of trouble.
I asked several people what issues they would like to see is focus on in our quest for unity. Here is what I heard over and over again. They would like to see us show more love and kindness toward each other. They would like to see an equal playing field for everyone, regardless of race or ethnic origin.
Unity is important to God. He tells us in Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.” Ephesians 4:3 admonishes us to make every effort to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.
People want unity but sometimes they don’t where to begin. Unity starts with each individual! Then it extends outward to our family, friends, church, neighborhood, work place, and community. It is not limited by race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or disabilities. I’ve heard that God is the foundation of unity and reconciliation is the path for us to get there. I totally agree.
Thank you, reconcilers, for your love, kindness, respect, and acceptance of other people. Through your example, you are helping to bring peace, oneness, and unity to our country.
Also, thank you again for your support and prayers for this reconciliation ministry. I’m sure we are all looking forward to this pandemic being over, so we can resume a sense of normalcy.