October 2021 Monthly Letter
Dear Reconcilers,
My good friend, Michael Swagerty recently gave an excellent sermon on service. I asked him for a copy of his notes so I could share his message with you, and he kindly agreed.
Walking in the Steps of Jesus
It was a cold, rainy, fall day. I was 16 years old and had just finished football practice at my high school. I just wanted to get home and have dinner so I hopped into my 51 Chevy, which was painted primer gray. About all you could say about that car was that it was dependable transportation. At least until that day. I got in, pressed the starter button and heard “click-click.” That meant one thing—my battery was dead and I wasn’t going anywhere.
Along came a few of my teammates, who were also heading home. There I was, standing in the rain with the hood up. I waited for the cat calls and insults, which I expected to begin at any moment. To my surprise, a strange and wonderful thing happened instead. A guy named Larry Beck said, “Can I help? I have jumper cables to get you going.” Larry didn’t know it at the time, but he had just walked in the steps of Jesus. As Christians, do we get up each day with a determination to do the same?
Mark 10:35-45 is a clear statement from Jesus explaining what his ministry was all about. His disciples had been discussing who would be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. When Jesus got wind of their topic of discussion, he gave them something profound to think about. In verse 43, he told them the way to greatness was to be a servant to all. This was a concept that was utterly foreign to them. It is also foreign to most folks today, including many professing Christians. But Larry Beck had it right. “Can I help you?” Or to put it another way, “How can I serve you?”
Our problem is that we think of service only in relation to bigger things. But I am convinced that it is the many little things we do for others each day that help us become the greatest servants. Let me illustrate. My wife has been suffering a lot of pain in her left foot. We were referred to a podiatrist to see where the pain was coming from. It turns out she has torn ligaments in her foot. The doctor prescribed for her to wear a large boot for at least two months so that the ligaments can heal. The boot is very difficult to put on and my wife cannot strap it up herself. So, each day my wife sits in a chair while I kneel down in front of her, cinching up the many straps on her boot. This is just a simple act of service on my part.
Using this example as a springboard, I encourage you to look for new ways to serve others. If you can’t seem to find any, ask God to open your eyes. I am sure he will lead you to people who could use a helping hand. It is only in service to others that we can truly “walk in the steps of Jesus.”
Service is very important to God, whether our sacrifice is great or small. As reconcilers, serving others is something we do continually.
We pray that you and your families will stay healthy and safe. Thank you all for your faithful support.
Love and Blessings,