April 2012 Subscriber Letter

April 2012

Dear Reconciler Family,

The last few months, weeks and days have been characterized as a media feeding frenzy.  A lot has had to do with politics and the presidential election.  However, as you well know, an overwhelming amount of it has to do with race.  Our great “racial divide” has risen to the surface once more.

And although huge advances have been made on race relations over the last few decades, we would be most naïve to believe that we’re living in a “post-racial” period.  One example: In June

2011 three young drunken white men ran over an African American man in Jackson, Mississippi.  Here’s a quote from ORM Reconcile editor and Pastor Neil Earle in an article on the incident:

Three young drunken toughs ran over and beat to death 48-year-old James Craig Anderson in an incredibly premeditated and despicable hate crime that seemed to come screaming out of the crypts of Mississippi’s darkest past.  “Things have changed in this country,” offered one social justice activist, “but they haven’t changed as much as people think.”

One redemptive moment came recently, however, during the trial of the young men.  James’ sister, Barbara Anderson Young, shocked the court room audience with these amazing words:

“We ask that you not seek the death penalty for anyone involved in James’ murder…Our opposition to the death penalty is deeply rooted in our religious faith, a faith that was central in James’ life as well.  [James worked for Nissan and sang in his church choir.]  We also oppose the death penalty because it historically has been used in Mississippi and the South primarily against people of color for killing whites.”

She went on to say, “Our loss will not be lessened by the state taking another man’s life.”  Mrs. Young then stated that her family was praying for peace in the family of the condemned killer and for “racial conciliation” in the South and the whole country.

Thank God for fellow reconcilers like Barbara, and thank God for all of you who every day are helping the cause of peace.  Thank you for your continuous prayers and financial support.  You are making a difference!

In His Service,

Curtis May

P.S. Neil’s entire article may be found on the Glendora, CA New Covenant Fellowship’s website at www.glendorachurch.org.