August 2020 Monthly Letter
August 2020
Dear Reconciler,
It has been six months since we had our first case of the coronavirus in the United States. It is hard to believe that we now have over 140,000 people who have died from this virus.
Since my last letter we have seen flags come down and statues removed. White, black, young, and old, are doing what John Lewis did, putting their lives in danger to help moved this country forward.
I would like to share an article with you from the South Bay Christian Church Newsletter, written by 16-year-old Lauren Arquero. I like what she had to say, coming from one of our future leaders.
Teen Talk | Why the Black Lives Matter Movement Matters —By Lauren Arquero
If you’ve been paying attention to the current events taking place, you are aware of the Black Lives Matter movement reemerging after many quiet acts of protests, where it has now become a global, widespread movement supported by many groups of people. Based on skin color, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) but particularly black people are living in a society that has indoctrinated us all to believe their skin color is a crime.
We were all equally created in the image of God; however, the oppressed are not being treated equally. Systemic racism has become normalized. Institutions discriminate against BIPOC and place them at a disadvantage where they do not receive fair treatment. We are witnessing too many oppressed and too many precious lives lost in a battle they never signed up for. So what can we do during a time like this?
Yes, we can pray for change and for our leaders to bring justice and peace. However, there is more we can do to make a difference. This movement has ignited a passion in citizens to protest on the streets of their cities for social equality. Even if many can’t go outside, concerned citizens are also signing petitions for justice, donating to bail funds and social justice organizations, educating themselves and others, and fighting with and for love.
Though the news manipulates the eye to perceive this movement as a violent riot, they rarely capture the peaceful protests and beauty in the power of community. This movement shows us how we can use the power of God’s love to become the change we want to see. Our God is not a God of hate, injustice, nor division. Therefore, let us peacefully unite as one and stand up in the name of the Lord and stand together against the injustices of our world.
There is hope for our future that we can be better. “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9 NIV
Moving Forward
I agree with Lauren that we can use the power of God’s love to become the change we want to see. Peacefully unite as one and stand up in the name of the Lord together against the injustices of our world.
We will continue to move forward. The first step has already been made admitting we have a problem and we need all colors of people to come together to fix it.
Hebrews 13:16 says, “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Thank you again for your prayers and support. I am praying for you and your families to stay safe and well. Let’s continue to make a difference.