August 2016 Monthly Letter

Dear Reconciler Family,

Alton Sterling’s son, Cameron, pleaded for peace after the fatal shooting. A/P Photo

Alton Sterling’s son, Cameron, pleaded for peace after the fatal shooting. A/P Photo

Thank you for standing with me as we continue to watch the world scene and notice just how chaotic it is becoming. Were it not for the words of Jesus telling us that there will be trouble in the world before his return, we could become very discouraged. So these events, such as community-police friction and many others around the world, are certainly fulfilling prophecy. He said that the world would be without natural affection. It sure seems as if we’re seeing this prophecy fulfilled!

You no doubt know about the highly publicized fatal shooting of Alton Sterling by a Baton Rough police officer, outside a convenience story. There was a struggle and
gun fire. What has been amazing is the way his 15-year-old son, Cameron responded. He held a press conference and kept his composure, even as his mom grieved. He pleaded for peace before an audience that was angry and could have become violent, shedding more blood. I think his dad would have been proud of him.

I’m sure being reconcilers and keeping up with the news, you have seen some of the other confrontations between demonstrators and the police. Of course, you are aware of the killing of 5 police officers in Dallas by Micah Johnson, and the wounding of 9 other people, before Johnson was killed. Now I will switch gears and cover some good news!

Dr. Joseph Tkach’s Weekly Update on June 22, 2016 included this exciting news: “Karl Reinagel, Pastor of the New Creation in Christ Congregation in

Ferguson, Missouri, was one of five pastors recently rewarded the 2016 Faith Impact Award by the Nehemiah Program for their contributions in helping heal the wounds of the cities of Ferguson and Florissant in the aftermath of the highly publicized shooting that occurred in 2014.”

Karl and Carla Reinagel

Karl and Carla Reinagel

The prestigious award was given to pastors, police, firefighters, educators and bankers. The award presentation was made by Evangelist Vivian Duddley and Ferguson’s Mayor James Knowles III, who thanked the honorees for making a real difference in the community.

Having taken several trips to Ferguson and participated in their programs, I’m not surprised about this honor. The people and law enforcement in Ferguson have done a great job. The city is a good model for other cities around the country. They dealt with the issues that were highly publicized.

Thank you all for your kind support over the years as we have struggled to help bring peace to a world that needs peace, love and understanding! Reconciliation comes from God. May we all continue to embrace reconciliation and listen to Him. “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:18.

Thank you for standing with us as we continue to help heal broken hearts and lost souls as the Lord leads us.

