Cincinnati Workshop October 31, 2009

Hello prayer partners,

Thank you so much for your heartfelt prayers about our reconciliation event in Cincinnati, Ohio last week. ORM was represented by Pastor/Chapter Leader George Hart, member Sandra Hamilton and myself. God answered your prayers in powerful ways. It was like a spiritual retreat/college intensive all rolled into one with the Holy Spirit leading!

The name of the event was Joseph Dream. It was based on the story of Joseph being sold into Egypt by his brothers. The Founder/CEO of Joseph Dream Inc., Rev. Valdasia Merrick, invited me to serve as facilitator of the entire event on Thursday night, Friday night and all day Saturday which included Prayers of Repentance, Forgiveness and Affirmation, two communion services and the Homily at the end of the event.

The focus was to bring Africans and African Americans into a better understanding of each other and thus a better relationship. As pointed out by the presenters (college professors, bishops, pastors and other prominent leaders from Africa and America) we need to better understand the cultural differences and how they affect our relationships. We need to reject much of the media influence that helps perpetuate stereo-types that we believe about each other. We also emphasized the need to build a better bond with each other through personal contact which includes worshipping together at times—emphasizing the words of Jesus that there’s One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism.

Scholars made powerful presentations on the history, culture, languages and worship styles of the two groups and how they have led to divisions in our two communities. We explored ways to remove the walls and build bridges of understanding and oneness so the Holy Spirit may use us more powerfully in preaching the gospel to others.

One of the scholars Dr. Funso Oluyitan, a Nigerian, is a local TV host of a religious program. He plans to continue to support our efforts on his program.

Pastor George Hart took care of the technical aspects of the conference. He will present in the next round of workshops where issues between Black and White Americas, Native Americans, and other groups will be addressed. John 4 and John 17 were the main passages for the reconciliation messages.

On Sunday, Rev. Merrick attended Christ Community Church along with her assistant. They loved the worship service. She commented on the friendliness of the members. One member said she would pass on a tape of the message on “The Purpose of the Church” to a member who has stopped attending.

Thanks again prayer partners, your prayers move mountains,


Curtis, Valdasia, Sandra Hamilton, Vickie & George Hart

PS: I thought I’d share a picture with you. Left to right are: Yours truly, Valdasia, Sandra Hamilton, Vickie and George Hart.