December 2021 Monthly Letter
Dear Reconcilers,
In a few days another year will end. We were hoping this year we’d see the end of Covid-19. So far, over 760,000 people have died and the count is still rising. The number that breaks my heart (and we don’t hear much about) is over 140,000 children have been left without a parent, grandparent or caregiver due to the deadly virus. These children will need a lot of help in the years ahead.
The pandemic has caused a major disruption in all of our lives. We have seen a rise in crime, suicide, drug addiction, homelessness, and racial tension. We have seen a lack of respect for others. Over 2,500 flight attendants have faced violence and abuse from unruly passengers who don’t want to follow the rules. Let’s not leave out our politicians and the example they are setting for the country.
My wife showed me a video that was filmed on a rainy day. A lady was standing at the bus stop without an umbrella and she was getting very wet. A truck pulled up and a man got out, walked over and gave his umbrella to the lady. Then he got back in his truck and drove off. What caught my attention was a headline that said, “There is still kindness out there.” Kindness is what we need more of to help get us through this pandemic.
Elliot is 38 years of age. He loves to BBQ and to fix old cars. Public transportation is not very reliable in his town so Elliot decided to repair old cars and give them away. He has donated over 100 cars to people in his community. Those who donated their old cars to the cause received a slab of ribs. “Yes, there is still kindness out there.”
A couple of months ago, Jannice and I went to the store to pick up a couple of items. It was a little busy and we had to wait a little while to check out. There was a Caucasian man waiting in line before us. He was fidgeting and complaining that the cashiers were too slow and talking too much. We just smiled at him. Our line was next to a cart of beautiful live roses. He came over and picked up some flowers, and my wife figured he was probably buying them for his wife. The cashier called him up and another cashier called us to check out. While we were paying for our groceries, the man came over, handed me the bunch of flowers and said, “Give them to your wife.” I was shocked. Jannice was shocked. He showed us the receipt so we knew they were paid for before we left the store. Jannice is still sharing that story. He was the last man I would have expected to buy my wife flowers! “Yes, there is still kindness out there.” Another lesson this example highlighted was that we should not judge people by the color of their skin. Be kind and show respect to everyone. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave us.” Ephesians 4:32
As Reconcilers, I know you have been spreading acts of kindness and treating others with respect in your daily lives. I am sure people look at you, thinking to themselves, “There is something different about that person.” Keep up the good work. You are changing the world—one person at time.
Thank you for providing the financial support to keep this ministry going another year. I believe our work is going to be increasingly needed in the coming year.
Jannice I and wish you and your families a safe holiday season filled with joy and love.