![Yellow fire hydrant - hose with no water-web Yellow fire hydrant - hose with no water-web](https://atimetoreconcile.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Yellow-fire-hydrant-hose-with-no-water-web.jpg)
February 2025 Monthly Letter
Dear Reconcilers,
We hope your 2025 has gotten off to a good start. Sadly to say, for multiple thousands it has not. As you’ve seen in the news, for those living in southern California, it’s been a living nightmare. Local residents admit it was the perfect storm waiting to happen as 50-100 mph Santa Ana or “devil winds” swept through the basin region that hadn’t seen rain in eight months. As a result, over 12,000 structures (including cars) have perished and lives lost as critical firefighting resources were woefully lacking when most needed. Most disturbing was the fact key fire hydrants were dry! The Executive Director of the Aerial Firefighters Association, Paul Petersen, who has been in the business for over 30 years said, “It takes a tragedy for people to wake up.”
As I watched the day-to-day horrific events unfold,
one of the main “take away” spiritual messages was, when a great “storm” hits,
one must be prepared. In fact, this tragedy has been a very powerful and
graphic lesson on how we must always be ready. As we’re living the “last
days,” it should make us reflect on the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matt.
A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.
All ten virgins were asleep when the Bridegroom came at a time they least expected but five virgins had enough oil (Holy Spirit and devout faith) to light the way to His home/wedding banquet. Five were foolish. They didn’t make wise use of their time on earth to properly prepare. They had quenched the Holy Spirit. As a result, reality hit. They didn’t have enough oil. In the vernacular, their “water hydrants” were empty.
At the end of the day, you cannot borrow another “brother” or “sister’s” Holy Spirit, faith or righteous deeds. God gives you His loving power and grace to walk in the image of God to fill your own vessels. We live in a day and Age where your identity and what you stand for will be tested. Do not base your true identity and security on family position, gender, race, ethnicity, job status, the community of faith you belong to or what other people think, but on the fact you are a son or daughter of the most high King, then you will stand firm on the day of any trial.
In a time of relative peace one must prepare. May we spend more time around God’s Throne Room, listening to HIS Voice versus all the voices of this world. May we spend more time in God’s revelatory Word, versus all the social media. “For when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8).” I pray so.
—Tina Kuo Graham