July 2008 Subscriber Letter

Dear Reconciler Family,

Thank you very much for allowing God to use you in such a powerful way in the Ministry of Reconciliation! In my last letter I highlighted some of the awards and certificates that we received in the month of May. My aim was to keep you informed on how God is answering your prayers and blessing your moral and financial support of His ministry. I consider myself only a facilitator who seeks to keep you connected with His activities as He advances the ministry.

My aim is also to make sure that you’re aware of just how important you are to the ministry. You are helping advance the kingdom of God and hereby changing the world one step at a time. “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (I Corinthians 15:58).

Following are a few feedback comments that we received recently:

Many thanks for the recent updates! We are honored to be part of ORM.

M. & B. F.

Enclosed is our partner gift of… May our great divine God continue to bless your ministry. We pray that it will grow and be effective beyond our wildest dreams. We are honored to be a part of ORM.

F. & M. J.

Thank you so much for the presentation you gave here in Cincinnati a few weeks ago. It was very enlightening. May God, our Lord and the Holy Spirit richly bless you and your family.

W. S.

Son (one of my spiritual Dads), I’m proud of you with a righteous pride! Curtis, my friend, I really have to admire you for your faithful pursuit of reconciliation through these many years. You have certainly been steadfast. I am honored to have you as one of my dear friends. You have inspired me to speak on reconciliation when possible and to live it 24/7 to the best of my ability.

Elder J. S.

Jim and I were very happy about the awards and recognition ORM received recently. God is with you and blessing what you do, which He has made very obvious to us. We love you and send our congratulations.

J. & M.

Sincerely in His service,

Curtis May