June 2011 Subscriber Letter

June 2011

Dear Reconciler Family,

I would like to thank you for the wonderful responses to my last letter where I included “Confessions of a police officer.”  I would like to share a few:

“Thank you for sharing this with me.  I have been asked to deliver the keynote address at the Chairman’s Dinner during Police Week.  I intend to quote from this letter and to reference both you and ORM directly.”

Director Bernard Melekian

U.S. Justice Department

“Thank you so much for sharing the police officer’s ‘confession’ in the May letter: precious food for thought.  Reconciliation Ministry rocks!”


“We received your recent letter from Reconciliation Ministries.  It meant a lot to us, because you may have heard, we just lost a policeman a few weeks ago, the first in 100 years in Kalamazoo.  I may have heard about your son, but can’t be sure.  You can be sure, however, we will now add him to our prayers.  A very tough job, yet it is done with much style and grace.  Praise the Lord.”

We at ORM are very grateful for your prayers for law enforcement officers.  We have shared the stage with many and appreciate their hard work and day-to-day sacrifices.

Your prayers remind me of the passage in the book of Jeremiah (8:22):  “Is there no balm in Gilead?  Is there no physician there?  Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?”

Jesus is the Healing Balm that we all need.  And as we continue to be used by Him we share in that healing process.  Thank you for your involvement in Reconciliation Ministry so others may be blessed.  Your prayers and financial support help make it possible.

Love to all,

Curtis May