May 2008 Subscriber Letter

May 2008

Greetings Reconciler Family,

It’s hard to believe that we’re almost at the half-way point of 2008! Time seems to be flying by in this activity-filled, presidential election year.

This presidential election seems to bringing out all the emotions that we all have as Americans, with emphasis on the negative ones. Race seems to be at the top of the list. As one who works in the Ministry of Reconciliation, I believe it should be at the top of the list. I believe that human relations is at the top of God’s list. In fact, that’s exactly what we see in His Word.

He commands us to love one another, to serve one another, to fellowship with one another, to worship with one another, to share our possessions with one another, to pray for one another and the list goes on. All this without consideration of race, gender or national origin, because God is no respecter of persons and He wants us to be just like Him. After all, we are His children.

Let me close with a good illustration of what I’m talking about from a letter written by

Dr. C. Baxter Krueger after visiting a church recently:

Richmond Grace Church in Richmond, Virginia was the place to be last weekend…where Richmond Grace meets every Sunday, people of all colors from all walks of life gather for a festival of friendship, truth, music and dance in the embrace of the blessed Trinity.

Two things amaze me about the Worldwide Church of God, and this gathering proved them once again. First, this church has opened its soul to the Father, Son and Spirit. I have never seen such hunger and openness…

Second, this church is integrated. Here we are in Richmond, Virginia of all places, and the room was full of different races, gathered in the name of the one who ends all racism, and every other “ism.” You not only felt welcome, you felt wanted – at home.

Brothers and Sisters, that’s what it’s all about. Thank you for your loyal support and prayers. Thank you for standing with us as we face the usual summer financial slump.

In God’s love,

Curtis May