October 2007 Subscriber Letter

Dear Reconciler Family,

Dr. Michael Cassidy wrote, “It has been said that God moves the mountains, but prayer moves God. The awesome responsibility of reconciliation is so great a task that no one dare try it without the covering of prayer.” Thank you for continuing to cover us in prayer as we seek to advance the gospel of reconciliation together.

Our world continues to implode as long-standing racial and other tensions continue to flare up. Television breaking news and newspaper headlines remind us daily that ours is a world of broken relationships and that God is the only real answer. And He uses His servants: you, me and others to help heal them.

Within the last three or four weeks we witnessed the Jena 6 fiasco, followed by several other incidents of lynching nooses being displayed. And there was yet another incident of a racially motivated teen beating, this time in Richmond, Virginia. All this was in the midst of the 50th anniversary celebration of the integration of Little Rock High School by nine black students, called “The Little Rock 9.” Some of them expressed disappointment over so little progress on race relations in the last half century.

Now here’s some good news. My small hometown of Banning, California proactively sponsored a Unity March on September 15 that brought out about 1500 marchers, along with the mayor, chief of police and city council members. There were a number of display tables, including our Reconciliation Ministry table and booth. We made some excellent contacts and I have lunch scheduled with a city council member and her husband next week. Dr. Bernice King, daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was keynote speaker. She said unity is untying the “I” in the word. She asked us to repeat after her, “This day I’m committing myself to unity.”

Some doors seem to be opening in South Africa, so I request your prayers for God’s will. I’ll write more on that later.Thank you for your financial support. It’s an on-going need especially at this time.

In His Love,
Curtis May