December 2023 Monthly Letter
Dear Reconciler,
As 2023 comes to an end, I am happy to share the following good news with you…
- There are no countries fighting each other.
- No one is stealing and looting.
- There are no random shootings, and murder has ceased.
- People have gotten rid of their guns.
- Hate crimes have stopped.
- States have come together to take care of their poor and indigent.
- Churches are full each week.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to report such good news? Unfortunately, that is not the case. In fact, many say the world is more divided and filled with hatred than ever. In the last few weeks, we have seen that it does not take much for countries to go to war and innocent people get displaced, traumatized, severely injured, or killed.
So as 2024 starts our 29th year of Reconciliation Ministry, we can see there is still much work to do!
After writing myself for many years, I have enjoyed the articles from our guest writers in 2023. Special thanks goes to Mike Feazell, Shelia Graham, Willard High, Tina Graham, and Tom Pickett for their insightful material which inspired us to encourage others. This worked so well that we plan to continue to use guest writers in the future.
We still miss our beloved friend and contributor Neil Earl who unexpectedly died in December 2021. His articles reflected his passion for Reconciliation Ministry. We think of him often and appreciate the legacy of love he left behind.
We don’t know what 2024 will bring, but we do know God is with us. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (NIV) These are indeed comforting words during perilous times!
Jannice and I wish you and your families a happy, safe, and healthy New Year! We thank you for your prayers and financial support through the years.
I would like to leave you today with this thought: Whenever you’re in a position to help someone, be glad to do it if you can. God could be answering someone’s prayer through you! Blessings to you all!