June 2018 Monthly Letter

Dear Reconciler Family,

Recently in my devotional “Our Daily Bread” I came across the words LIVING A LEGACY. I was intrigued and began to delve into to this article. The author tells the story of his time with his sons. It reminded me of how God is so commutates with us His sons and daughters.

Some years ago our sons and I spent a week on an abandoned back country ranch on the Salmon River Idaho’s “River of No Return.”

One day exploring the ranch, I came across an ancient grave with a wooden mark. Whatever inscription the mark may have born had long since been weathered away. Someone lived and died – but now was forgotten. The gravesite seemed tragic to me. After we got home I spent several hours reading about the history of the old ranch and that area, but could find no information about the person buried there.

They say the best among us is remembered for 100 years or so. The rest of us are soon forgotten. The memory of past generations, like our markers, soon fades away. Yet our legacy has been passed on through the family of God. How we’ve loved God and others in our lives.

Malachi 3:16-17 tells us, a book on remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name. They will be mine, says the Lord of hosts, on the day that I prepare my own possessing (NASB version).

Paul said David “served God’s purpose in his own generation and departed” (Acts 13:36). Like him, may we love the Lord and serve Him in our generation. And leave the resembling to Him. “They will be Mine, says the Lord.” LIVING FOR THE LORD LEAVES A LASTING LEGACY.

In other words, as God’s children we have nothing to worry about. We don’t have to worry about life after death, asking ourselves, “Will I make it into His Kingdom? Do I add up?” And all the other barbs that Satan thorough our way. When we start to ask “Do I add up?” the answer is NO. But Jesus in me does. BIG TIME!

Thank you for joining in as we’re making Reconciliation Ministry a ministry of love, tolerance and patience toward one another and others. That’s our Legacy.

Thank you all again for your faithfulness. May God reward and bless you as you continue to do His bidding.

Love and Peace,