May 2016 Monthly Letter

Dear Fellow Reconcilers,

My wife, Jannice and I visited our Reconciliation Ministry Chapter in Newark, New Jersey on the weekend of April 23rd and 24th, and conducted a seminar on the topic of reconciliation on Saturday the 23rd. It was lively and celebratory. It brought back fond memories for Jannice and me. I was baptized in Emerson, New Jersey, with 20 others. And 3 years later, Jannice and I were married in New Jersey.

Pastor Frank making a point at the Reconciliation Seminar.

Pastor Frank making a point at the Reconciliation Seminar.

They have a number of ministries that put them outside the doors of the church building. They reach out by nurturing and feeding the poor, the sick, and shut-ins. As Deacon Jesse Vereen drove us through the town, he showed us a number of places where they minister. And they are known in the city as a generous and dependable congregation! This, of course, glorifies God!

On Sunday, I gave the sermon on the topic of JESUS THE BARRIER BREAKER, and shared 4 examples:

John 4:1-7, 39-42 shows how Jesus met the “outcast” woman at the well, who the Jews refused to speak to because she was a Samaritan. He started a conversation with her by asking her for a drink of water. She was shocked and proceeded to “remind” Jesus that Jews do not speak to Samaritans. “So how is it that you asked me for a drink?” Having met the Savior of ALL PEOPLE, she went back to her village and told the people there she met a man who told her everything she ever did. She’s been called the FIRST EVANGELIST OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA! This shows how “easy” it is to evangelize people to Jesus.

John 11:1-7 is another example that I discussed, about Martha and her dead brother Lazarus. He was sick and Jesus “lingered” to get to his house so he died. He was buried 4 days by the time Jesus arrived, ready to intervene. Martha was upset that Jesus didn’t arrive on time. Then Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to show his power over life and death.

Have you ever tried to “rush” or “push” Jesus to be on time, expecting him to attend to your needs immediately? I have to confess that it happens more times that I would like to say. Patience doesn’t always come easy.

Luke 19:1-9 is the final example I’d like to discuss, the IRS representative of Jesus’s day – Zaccaus, the tax collector. Tax collectors were hated by the Jews, just as many of us dislike the IRS. What did Jesus do? He went home with Zaccaus and had a meal with him. He loved every person that he met. He even died for the hated Pharisees and tax collectors.

The moral of these stories is that we’re called upon to love everyone, including our enemies. Jesus died for us all! Even the ones who literally pounded the nails into his hands and feet. Our reward is great as we grow in grace and knowledge and the image of Jesus. That’s the only way that we can show the world who he is.

Let’s all continue to break barriers as we have the opportunity to.

May God bless you and keep you moving forward in Him. Thank you for being part of His Team.
